Cryptotechnologies in order to prevent the involuntary use of the company for covering up the illegal origin of funds and to comply as is required with its legal obligations, has established specific policies on questions of prevention of money laundering and the funding of terrorist and criminal activities. Our bussiness, with its headquarters in Barcelona, Spain, is subject to Act 10/2010 (28 April) on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism developed by Royal Decree 304/2014, of 5 May 2014.

Download KYC&AML Policy

Identification form

    Step 1: Cryptotechnologies contract

    Signed contract with the signature tool of Acrobat Reader, name written with the default font in the spaces where required and signed with the digital pen.

    Step 2: Personal identification


    Upload the front of your national identification document

    Upload the back of your national identification document

    Upload the first page of your passport (where your image appears)

    Only images of original identity documents are accepted, all the data must be legible and perfectly visible, the document must be current and in perfect condition, we do not accept residence permits or driving licenses.

    Step 3: Video

    Upload a video with a maximum of 5 seconds in length, showing the front of your face first and then turning to the left and right side. The image must be seen very clearly, otherwise when we review your information individually we will request it again separately.

    Step 4: Adress

    Have you made more than 3000 euros in transfers with us in the last 12 months? Or are you signing up for your accounts to be managed in the cryptocurrency markets?

    If any answer to these questions is affirmative, select the "YES" option, otherwise select the "NO" option.


    Suba un documento en el que conste su nombre completo y dirección postal. Puede ser un certificado de empadronamiento o de vivienda o una factura de suministros.

    ¿Qué debería saber al enviar su solicitud?
    Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado.
    Destinatarios: Los datos se guardarán en los servidores de ....
    Derechos: Puede retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento, así como acceder, rectificar, suprimir sus datos y demás derechos en ....
    Información Adicional: Puede ampliar esta información en nuestra Política de Privacidad.